Improving maternal and child health outcomes in Kuoyo Health Centre, Kenya
August 1, 2024
To reduce child mortality, a systemic approach addressing infrastructural needs, knowledge/skills acquisition and retention by health care workers, demand creation for good quality health care services, as well as provision of clinical supplies is crucial. Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) Kenya has continually supported Kuoyo Health Center to realize a holistic approach to preventing child mortality. From a humble beginning of one staff in a facility that was inadequately equipped to handle basic childhood illnesses like diarrhea and pneumonia, and hence recording high mortality rates, the center now has a staff complement of 18 and serves a population of over 10,000 with better outcomes for both mother and child. Some of the interventions implemented include trainings on established treatment protocols like the Integrated Management of Newborn and Child health illnesses (IMNCI) protocol alongside providing a pediatric pulse oximeter to assist with implementation of IMCI. The electric water dispensers donated by CHAMPS for oral rehydration therapy (ORT) corners were instrumental in quickly addressing diarrhea cases – there were over 900 illnesses in such cases in 2018 (facility register). A nutritionist intern was also posted by CHAMPS to assist with malnutrition screening. Some of the lessons learnt include the importance of routine medical training and mentorship to. sustain achieved quality improvements. Health champions in each health facility are crucial in implementing and sustaining the provision of good quality health care.
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Improving maternal and child health outcomes in Kuoyo Health Centre, Kenya