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CHAMPS Scientific Publications

Scientific Publications
January 5, 2022
Standardization of Minimally Invasive Tissue Sampling Specimen Collection and Pathology Training for the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance Network
Minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) is a simplified postmortem examination technique that has shown to be an adequate approach for cause of death investigation in low-resource settings. It requires relatively low level of infrastructures and can be performed by health professionals with no background in pathology. A training program has been developed for the Child (…)

Scientific Publications
January 6, 2022
Postmortem investigations and identification of multiple causes of child deaths: An analysis of findings from the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) network
The current burden of >5 million deaths yearly is the focus of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) to end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years old by 2030. To accelerate progression toward this goal, data are needed that accurately quantify the leading causes of death, so that interventions can target the common (…)

Scientific Publications
March 9, 2022
Why parents agree or disagree for minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) to identify causes of death in under-five children and stillbirth in North India: a qualitative study
Information on exact causes of death and stillbirth are limited in low and middle income countries. Minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS) is increasingly practiced in place of autopsy across several settings. A formative research documented the experiences of counselling and consenting for MITS in north India. Click below to read the article. Why parents agree (…)

Scientific Publications
January 10, 2022
Mortality Surveillance Methods to Identify and Characterize Deaths in Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance Network Sites
CHAMPS sites have established facility- and community-based mortality notification systems, which aim to report potentially eligible deaths, defined as under-5 deaths and stillbirths within a defined catchment area, within 24–36 hours so that MITS can be conducted quickly after death. Where MITS has been conducted, a final cause of death is determined by an expert (…)

Scientific Publications
December 7, 2021
Initial CHAMPS findings published in Lancet Global Health
Findings from a multi-site analysis of CHAMPS cases were published in The Lancet Global Health. This article highlights the value of CHAMPS’ laboratory and diagnostic approaches, namely minimally invasive tissue sampling (MITS), in identifying specific causes of stillbirth and child death in Africa and Asia. Click below to read the article. Initial findings from a novel (…)