Site news from CHAMPS Ethiopia
July 18, 2018
The following is an update from the CHAMPS Ethiopia newsletter. Read more to learn about their recent progress and future programmatic steps. Subscribe to the newsletter here.
Work is ramping up in Harar, with three shipping containers arriving to complete the installation and equipment needed in the laboratories; intensive “training the trainers” in the community for the social science team, and recruitment for the clinical team in preparation for the start of mortality surveillance.
After three shipping containers arrived with laboratory furniture and equipment, it has been a busy time installing these items in the newly refurbished microbiology and pathology laboratories. Here the electrical engineer and generator specialist complete installation of the generator, central UPS for both the pathology and microbiology laboratories; there is installation of the blood culture machines BacAlert 3D60, with engineers explaining the operational interface. Work on other infrastructure continues, with an application for a satellite licence to improve internet communications.
Our social science team conducted “Training the Trainers” in Harar and Kersa, involving religious leaders, community based organisations (iddir and afoosha), health extension workers and the lead mothers in the Women’s Development Army to further engage and inform their communities. The Train the Trainers sessions focus on CHAMPS objectives and activities, simple and clear understandings of MITS, the patient journey, small interventions demonstrating concern for child health, and a ‘cascading down’ plan.
At the start of July, we hosted members of the CHAMPS Program Office, discussing program development and hearing the experience of other CHAMPS sites.
What is coming up?
- In preparation for launching MITS in Hiwot Fana hospital, our laboratory histotechnicians and clinicians will be trained with ISGlobal and Centro de investigação de Saúde de Manhiça (CISM) in Mozambique, in histopathology and MITS in September.
- We will be hosting the third scientific advisory committee meeting at the project site in Harar in October 2018.